BAC financials now available


Yakai!! BAC’s long awaited 2023/24 financials are now available on our website, for all to see. If any members have any questions, please feel free to reach out and ask.

Since the 2024 AGM the BAC board has met several times and I would like to share with our members some of the exciting things that are happening on and around Ballardong Boodja.

BAC has been successful in securing the leasing of the Northam Railway Station, to date the pest control has been done and cleaning underway. There is still some maintenance to be done and we should be able to be in there by around mid-February.

BAC has secured leasing space at Muresk as our ranger operations offices, and we have much room to grow. We will be growing plants here for revegetation of the many reserves across Ballardong.

BAC has nearly finalised the BAC 2025-2027 strategic plan. This will be on our Ballardong website by late February for community review, and will be emailed out to members seeking your comments.

The board will keep the Ballardong community continually informed with the following information on our website:

  • a summary of every board meeting

  • a summary of who attended cultural surveys and monitoring

  • regular updates and progress reports of the exciting things we’ve accomplished and things we are doing

  • a quarterly financial summary to keep you all informed of how well BAC is doing financially.

We will also be recruiting and a new membership engagement officer, who will continue to work with the community to hear your feedback and answer all your questions.

As your chairperson, I strive to be the best, and to deliver a transparent, accountable, ethical, united and inclusive corporation our members so deserve, with our big picture in mind - self determination!

United we stand, divided we fall.

Working hard for you!

BAC Chairperson


Ballardong First celebration in York


Job opportunity: membership engagement officer