Membership application
Membership applications will be processed at the next meeting of the membership committee, who will then inform you if your application has been accepted.
To be eligible for membership of the Ballardong Aboriginal Corporation, you must be at least 18 years of age, and be a part of the Ballardong group according to the description set out in schedule 2 of the Ballardong Indigenous Land Use Agreement (PDF 659KB)
You can download a pdf membership form (PDF 336KB), or contact the Ballardong Aboriginal Corporation on 0461 461 793 or email kaya@ballardong.org.au if you have a question, or to have a paper version mailed to you.
Ballardong Aboriginal Corporation Rule Book
By applying for membership of Ballardong Aboriginal Corporation you agree to be bound by the Corporation’s Rule Book (PDF 2MB), in particular, rule 5.4.2 which defines members’ responsibilities:
“Each member has the following responsibilities:
(a) to comply with the CATSI Act and this Rule Book;
(b) to notify the Corporation of any change in their address within 28 days;
(c) to comply with any Code of Conduct adopted by the corporation;
(d) to treat other members, staff, directors, and the members of the Noongar Corporations Committee, with respect and dignity; and
(e) to not behave in a way that significantly interferes with the operation of the corporation or of directors’ meetings or general meetings.