Ballardong Aboriginal Corporation
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About Ballardong
The Ballardong people are from the Noongar language group north-east of Perth.
The Ballardong region is about 63,000 sq km and includes the towns of Northam, York, Beverley, Goomalling, Cadoux, Koorda, Wyalkatchem, Goomalling and Cunderdin. The towns of Kellerberrin and Merredin are further east, and to the south-east are the towns Bruce Rock, Narembeen, Hyden, Kondinin, Kulin, Dumbleyung, Kukerin, Lake Grace and Varley.
Katter Kich or Wave Rock, near Hyden in the south-east is significant to Noongar people because it is a Noongar keniny (dancing) ground and a little way from there would have been a camping place, there are gnamma holes – water holes and it was part also part of a Noongar trade route.
Our governance structure
The Ballardong Aboriginal Corporation is governed by a board of directors and a cultural advice committee. Learn more about our board and cultural advice committee.